Person Pouring Water from White Ceramic Mug

Morning routine: successfully create one!

A perfect morning routine is useless if you can’t do it consistently. That’s why it’s important to find what works for you. 

Set your intention

How do you want to feel when you start your day? Everything you include in your morning routine should contribute to this feeling, if it doesn’t then save it for later in the day. For me, I want to feel grounded and inspired. What is your intention?

yoga teacher in meditation

Choose the amount of time

Honestly, I don’t wake up on my first alarm every single day. Knowing this, I have different morning routines based on how much I have chosen to sleep in. I recommend having your ideal morning routine, your quick morning routine (less than twenty minutes), and your non-negotiable habit (2 minutes). 

My ideal morning routine is used on the days when I am feeling energized and most weekends. It can last from one to two hours if I’m lucky. My quick morning routine is usually ten to twenty minutes and I always take at least 2 minutes for my non-negotiable because it keeps me disciplined. 

Plan your morning

Once you have figured out how long you want to spend on your routines set your morning alarm to make sure you have enough time. Personally, I have two alarms: one for the ideal routine and one for the quick routine. The night before I choose which one I will commit to. The flexibility allows me to remain consistent.

What morning habits do you want?

Now that you know how much time you have for your routine and how you want to feel after you finish it, choose which activities will be included in your routine. Just know that this may take some trial and error. Below are some ideas for adding mindfulness and movement into your routine. 


Here are some ideas to start your day mindfully: journaling, gratitude, singing, meditation, breathwork, coloring, reading, manifesting, visualization, watching the sunrise, doing a cold plunge, or sitting outside drinking coffee. These activities are calming, increase awareness, and enhance performance. 


These are some ways you can add movement to your morning routine: going to the gym, doing yoga, walking, jogging, stretching, swimming, boxing, jump roping, or rock climbing.  These activities get your blood pumping and your body moving.

Morning routine audit

Create a schedule to review how your morning routine is working.  At the beginning of each season, I review my morning routine and make any adjustments to help keep me consistent. I notice that my routine naturally shifts with the seasons. In the winter my routine tends to be shorter because I don’t like waking up in the dark and I choose indoor activities, but in the summer I might go for more sunrise walks outside. Allow your routine to shift as needed. Listen to your body.

Give yourself grace

Life ebbs and flows and so do morning routines. It’s okay if you have periods of life where your morning routine is strong and consistent and times when you need to rest and reset. Just remember you can always have a restful morning routine if that is what you need. The point is to start your day intentionally, filling up your own cup first so that you can show up as the best version of yourself. 

Person Pouring Water from White Ceramic Mug